Defeat all enemies before they take out your squad. Play tactically and take all the advantages you're given (including the wonky Enemy AI) to bring them down!


  • WASD - Move Camera
  • Q/R - Rotate Camera
  • Mouse Left Click - Select your current action, and press on a valid tile to perform the action.
  • Escape key (Windows executable only) - Exit game

Action Costs:

Move1 Action Point
Spin (...for style points)1 Action Point
Shoot1 Action Point
Grenade2 Action Points
Sword2 Action Points

This is a short turn-based strategy game that was created for the purpose of acting as a versatile template for all types of games that can take advantage of a robust grid system with the support of A* Pathfinding and a modular unit action system. I plan to come back to it shortly and add some more features for it to become an enjoyable standalone experience as a turn-based tactical shooter.

Future to-do list:

  • Improve on the AI decision making. The foundation is solid, but currently they all crowd towards a certain position if they don't see the possibility of attacking the player. Make them think of sequential actions to attack the player (i.e. move + shoot)
  • Click on an enemy to see their attack range (like Fire Emblem)
  • Reusable interact action to open containers, doors, press buttons, or anything else.
  • Pause Menu system, volume control, video settings.
  • Controls and action points explained in game.
  • Variants on the enemy with different actions, # of action points, HP, etc.
  • Sound effects for all actions.
  • When a complete version of this project is finished, I can use the foundation to inspire the structure of any future game.

GitHub link to source code:

This game was written while following CodeMonkey's course on turn-based strategy games. I learned a ton on how to make my game code as decoupled as possible, used C# generics and delegates, and implemented some useful game programming patterns that we briefly touched on in university such as Singleton and Observer.


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